LENSAR: the state-of-the-art femtosecond laser in cataract surgery

Since mid-2014, we have been using the latest femtosecond laser in cataract surgery, the LENSAR®. It takes over many challenging incisions in cataract surgery and performs them more precisely than is possible even for an experienced surgeon using manual surgical techniques. This makes the operation safer for you and makes it easier to plan the quality of vision.

More precision and safety in cataract surgery

Since mid-2014, we have been banking on the latest femtosecond laser in cataract surgery, the LENSAR®. It assumes many demanding incisions of cataract surgery and performs them more precisely than it is possible even for an experienced surgeon using manual surgical technique. Its integrated 3-D SCI system allows for real-time planning and control of the individual steps of the surgical procedure. Thus, the so-called laser cataract surgery can be planned substantially more exactly and the quality of vision can be predicted more precisely.

LENSAR® cataract laser

The LENSAR is the only cataract laser that visualizes the steps of the surgical procedure using the so-called 3-D SCI system. SCI stands for “Confocal Structured Illumination“. It means that the ray paths of the camera and of the laser are identical and use the same optical path. The system is a derivative of the Scheimpflug camera, an automatically rotating camera, that generates a high-resolution three-dimensional image of the anterior chamber including all surfaces within a few seconds: the front and rear faces of the cornea and the capsule of the lens as well as of the iris and the lens. This is how all structures of the eye are determined exactly at the moment of surgery and not only calculated. This offers you increased safety compared to many other systems.

State-of-the-art corneal diagnostics with the Cassini

Cassini and LENSAR open up new vistas for patients with astigmatism: feeding high-precision corneal diagnostics directly in the laser and marking the true axis of astigmatism using the laser revolutionize the implantation of toric lenses and improve the quality of vision.

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