Is laser eye surgery possible for you? Do the quick check within one hour

Eine Mitarbeiterin der Praxisu untersucht die Augen einer jungen Frau mit der Pentacam HR.

Mit der Pentacam HR, Oculus, werden Ihre Augen exakt vermessen und auf ihre Eignung für eine Augenlaserbehandlung untersucht.

You want to have your eyes lasered and don't know if you are suitable? In our quick test you will learn about the most important criteria. To be absolutely sure, it's best to make an appointment for a free initial consultation including a short check. This usually tells you within an hour with a reliability of around 95 percent whether laser vision correction is possible for you. If the result of the quick-check is positive, then the large preliminary examination is worthwhile for you. This is important to ensure the highest precision during treatment and to eliminate any residual risks.

Laser eye surgery: Do the Quick Check


  • Stable prescription values in the last two years
  • You are of legal age
  • Your cornea is thick enough
  • Your eyes are healthy
  • You are physically healthy
  • You have realistic expectations regarding the benefits and limitations of the intervention

Not Suitable

  • eye diseases (e.g. cataract, glaucoma, corneal diseases)
  • Too thin cornea / corneal thinning*
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Pregnancy or nursing period
  • Unrealistic expectations regarding the benefits and limitations of the intervention
  • Too high dioptre values*

* Don't worry, there are also alternatives to eye laser, e.g. implantable contact lenses.

Dr. Breyer advises you without time pressure

Dr. Breyer, an ophthalmic surgeon renowned by international colleagues, not an employee, will advise you. Have you been able to answer all criteria marked in green with YES? And do none of the adjoining exclusion criteria apply to you? Then laser eye surgery might be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses for you. If you are not quite sure, for example, about the thickness of your cornea or other points, you are always welcome to have your eyes examined by us. We would be happy to check whether laser vision correction is possible for you.

By the way: Thinner corneas or dry eyes are no longer exclusion criteria since the introduction of the new ReLEx® SMILE precedure. We would be happy to check whether this eye laser treatment would still be possible. You can be sure that we only use the most modern technology for the preliminary examination.

If your values are higher, there are alternatives to laser:
The implantation of contact lenses could enable you to live without glasses. Since this procedure is reversible and offers excellent visual quality, many patients even prefer it to laser eye treatment.